Reading Notes- Part B- Arabian Nights Unit

I will have to admit that I really slacked on taking notes WHILE I was reading the story, because I was so into it!! It is probably safe to say that the majority of us have seen the Disney movie Aladdin at one point in our lives. So naturally I go into that story with that mindset. Spoiler Alert: He doesn’t only get three wishes! I will say though, that I enjoyed the plot of this one much more than the movie (so typical of bookworms vs. movie go-ers). Aladdin just kept rubbing and rubbing the lamp and I was waiting for the moment the genie came out and said “enough, you have used all of your wishes!!” (That moment never came). What was the most interesting, however, was that the original story is placed in China, which I did not realize until I saw the illustrations included. At the same time, the main protagonist was an African Trickster, which (just like it happened in Part A of the reading) was a crazy coincidence considering that my storybook is centered on a trickster African elephant. One thing that I really like about the style of these stories in particular, is how they don’t usually have un-happy endings. They have the perfect mixture of good and bad events occurring to the main characters, which make the stories interesting enough to want to keep reading, but they usually always end with the main character prospering. The hero winning is my favorite type of stories. I am really glad that the crystal ball on the page brought me to these readings, because they ended up being very good insights and helpful for my own story.

Bibliography: Andrew Lang, Arabian Nights' Entertainments, The Arabian Nights Unit


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